Welcome to March! Traditionally one of Melbourne's most temperate months, March has brought with it a welcome dose of autumnal sunshine, and while dawn is edging in just a little later each day, we are still lucky enough to be enjoying the great outdoors in our beautiful part of the world. In this month’s newsletter we have a few tips and tricks for you, some news and reviews and a recap of what has happened over the last month or so. Here’s to a great March!


Mt Martha was named after Martha Lonsdale (Smythe) by Captain William Hobson (of HMS Rattlesnake) when he surveyed Port Phillip Bay in 1836. Martha Lonsdale was the wife of Captain Lonsdale, Port Phillip’s first Police Magistrate, who travelled to Port Phillip with Hobson on board the Rattlesnake. Much of Mt Martha was suited to grazing and timber-cutting during the early years of pastoral settlement.

There was no coastal access to this area, and at first the granite cliffs, steep gullies and ravines saw only the hardy traveller who followed basic tracks. Early pastoralists who took up runs in the district were the first European settlers and a small hamlet developed as fishermen arrived on the Balcombe Creek estuary. ​During the post war years there was surge in the building of holiday homes and a smattering of permanent residents, predominantly retirees. By 1994 about 70% of the population were permanent residents.

A shopping centre was established along with boating, yachting and life saving clubs. The Mt Martha public park and the golf course were developed to provide open space as an alternative to beaches. Mt Martha is now a thriving community-spirited, much sought after suburb with over 17,000 permanent residents.


This photograph of the gracious and graceful Bronwen a'Beckett was taken at the Balcombe Estuary, which, as Bronwen says, is quintessential Mt Martha - the peaceful river skirted by gentle bushland with the breathtaking ocean never far away. Bronwen still rows on the river and walks the boardwalk, something she has been doing for much of her well-lived life.


There are a number of factors that have contributed to this rise in property value in Mt Martha. The opening of Peninsula Link in 2009 resulted in a more a relaxed drive (with no traffic lights) and a reduced commute time from the city (around 55 minutes). The area became more accessible, and add to that the changing face of the workplace - with more people working from home and hot desks becoming the norm - more and more people are choosing to live on the edge of the urban sprawl.

Mt Martha also offers considerably better value for money in terms of property prices. Families are selling up their city and suburban homes and making the sea change, and getting change in their pocket with better properties at lower prices. And there is the added bonus of being set on beautiful Port Phillip Bay with sea views, fresh air and the village lifestyle that Mt Martha offers. It is also a gateway to the hinterland of the Mornington Peninsula, with the wineries, restaurants and tourist attractions the area offers.

The profile of the local community has changed significantly. Traditionally an area that attracted an older demographic of retirees, the average age of residents is now 30 - 50 years. It is an incredible shift within a decade, with the grandchildren of original residents now moving into the area with their young families. The average house price is currently around $920,000, and that amount achieves a much more significant property, ideal for growing families, than can be achieved in inner Melbourne.


When you decide to sell your property, you want the best possible result which means achieving a fast sale for the top price. Preparing your property for sale and presenting it in the best light is a sure fire way of reaching your goal.

Here’s our top five tips for creating the ideal first impression for your property:

1. The selling process happens from the time a potential buyer glimpses your property, and continues as they step onto your land, or walk through the front gates or in to your front garden and up to your front door. So make sure the exterior is pristine, and maintained to the same standard for the duration of the sale process.

2. Think about giving your property a paint face lift. It's the easiest and most inexpensive way to freshen up a house and it will give you a big bang for your buck. Neutral palettes work best.

3. Fix all the little things that you have lived with for too long – fix that dripping tap, change broken toilet roll holders or shower heads and replace anything that is damaged. Don’t leave anything undone.

4. De-clutter! Pack away family photos, knickknacks, personal items and accessories. Less is more. You want your home to have personality, but no identity, so that potential buyers imagine themselves in your home rather than seeing you in it.

5. Clean, clean, clean. And keep everything clean for the duration of the sale. You never know when a potential buyer may want to view your property.

For more helpful tips and advice, or for a no-obligation property valuation, contact the Danckert Real Estate team.


,“We had previously purchased our home through Sam, and he was therefore was a natural choice when deciding to sell our own home. His quiet, knowledgable, reassuring manner makes him a pleasure to deal with. He is affable, quick to communicate with and informally professional. His advice is encouraging, pragmatic and achievable. Sam has made buying and selling our homes an absolute delight."

,Tom Borthwick & Lisa McCulloch 1

,8 Matthew Street Vendors &

,4 Magnolia Way Purchasers

​What makes Danckert Real Estate unique?

  1. Danckert Real Estate is the only agency in Mt Martha where the owner of the business deals with every buyer and every seller. This unique dynamic where the agent is so invested in the ‘reputational outcome’ of the deal by virtue has a totally different bearing on the quality of the transaction. Generally speaking, the business owner has more on the line to lose than an employee.
  2. We have a unique social media strategy that has proven sales results. With unique content via these platforms we are creating an engagement level not seen by our competitors whom are simply propagating realestate.com.au listing information in different platforms. We are putting in the extra effort to make a meaningful difference to our Vendors selling campaign.
  3. We are recognised for managing quality properties only (based on frequent buyer feedback). Properties that are well presented well marketed at and educated price. We are proud of our ‘products’ and the high standard in which they are bought to the market.

Thinking of Selling? Contact us for a leading insight into the local property market to ensure the best outcome is achieved. Contact Sam Danckert 0432 444 040 or ,sam@danckert.com.au

Real Estate Agent of the Year (Mt Martha): 2015 / 2016 / 2017

Our Journal