The real estate industry has evolved and morphed and adapted over the last 20 years, and in particular the last five years, with the exponential and unstoppable growth of the digital world and social media. As technology advances, business have to change in order to keep up with the social psyche and researching habits of the new age.

Traditionally real estate marketing was based on expensive print advertising in the weekend real estate lift-outs and in local newspapers. Real estate agents often spent time cold calling, door knocking, prospecting and answering incoming enquires inquiries via phone and email.

Today, with the internet being a fountain of information that provides images and property details at the touch of a button, websites like and have become the new go-to guides for all things property. Interestingly, most home buyers already know about 70% of the information about a listing before even stepping foot on the property.

Industry changes aren’t limited to the increase in client knowledge. Real estate agents now have to transform their marketing strategies to make the most of modern technology. The distribution of information, the formation of relationships and the sharing of popular images and posts via social media has created a whole new world of opportunity. One of the most significant social media channels is Instagram, and we have found to work very effectively for w wide variety of our clients.

Launched in 2010, Instagram is the creation of computer programmer Kevin Systrom and software engineer Mike Krieger. Developed in San Francisco, the entrepreneurial duo wanted to create a photo-sharing app that allowed users to post polaroid-like photos.

Purchased in 2012 by Facebook, Instagram skyrocketed to 80 million users in just 12 months, broadening its reach to over 25 languages. To date, over 40 billion photos have been shared on Instagram and a staggering 95 million photos and videos are posted every day. Importantly, 75% of Instagram users take action after seeing a post.

Instagram is THE perfect vehicle for marketing a property and for getting your property noticed. It’s a user-friendly, visual medium that tells a story with an image simply and effectively. It’s a totally mobile medium with a feed right there on a phone, in a potential buyer’s hand, or pocket, or bag. It’s one of the best platforms for real estate lead generation, for local buyers looking for a new home and for out of town buyers looking for a property in your area.

Think of Instagram as today’s door knocking and cold-calling lead generation for the new generation. It’s free for the user and for the viewer, what could be more win-win than that? You can immediately connect with friends, contacts, colleagues, associates and like-minded individuals who could be, or know someone who should be, the owner or your property.

Instagram marketing lends itself so well to real estate because of this form of visual marketing looks spontaneous, but can be part of a very calculated, thoughtful and thought-through promotional campaign.

What sets Instagram apart from other social media networks is its ability to receive instant feedback on property listings. Social media marketing has become an integral part of a real estate agent’s tool kit, and in terms of the ease of attracting followers, Instagram is the leader of the pack. The best part is that real estate lends itself perfectly to visual media, so a cleverly curated Instagram feed is the perfect vehicle for delivering engaging updates and drawing people in.

Visual social media content is a vital element of the new suite of digital marketing that is designed to instantly attract the attention of your audience and create a connection. For more information on incorporating Instagram into your property marketing campaign, talk to Sam Danckert on 0432 444 040.

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