Jim Goddard is based in Mt Martha, moving to the area in 2013 from London via Sydney where Jim’s wife is originally from. “We immediately felt an affinity for the area,” explains Jim. “We have seen substantial changes over the last eight or so years in terms of the population profile and property prices. But it’s such a peaceful and relaxed coastal village, and has a much more easy going culture than more urban environments.

Jim has always been a man of action, whether in the outdoors or in social change, preferring to actually do something to make changes rather than just ruminate on or talk about an idea.

Explains Jim, “By taking personal action, and then encouraging others to do the same, we can make a real difference. I took this kind of action for a project in Sydney around 15 years ago, focused on poverty. We created a big community movement around helping people make poverty history. We sponsored hundreds of children and generated substantial funds to offer micro-loans to hundreds of families, to help get children off rubbish tips and out of slum areas in Indonesia. The essence of this type of movement is all about instilling a sense of collective action towards a common goal. Having worked with World Vision for 11 years this form of collective action is part of my DNA.”

Jim strongly believes that the best way for people to feel part of solving man-made climate warming is to actually do something themselves – not wait for governments or others to take action. Says Jim, “Globally, every household and every business will have to transition their own energy assets over a period of time, and the quicker we all do it the better it is for the climate and the biodiversity that our kids will inherit.”

The question of what we can do locally is always at the forefront of Jim’s thinking. The most effective change we can all make is to move away from fossil fuels towards using renewable energy for our homes, businesses and transport. Hence Repower Mornington Peninsula was born, a local organisation that he co-founded to satiate his deep-seated desire to do something to mitigate climate change. “The most effective methods to develop change, and multiply  those changes, is at a local level.”

A local volunteer-led community decarbonisation network, Repower Mornington Peninsula is focused on reducing energy-related carbon emissions through mass electrification and locally generated renewable energy.

Their model empowers postcode communities to take ownership of, and action towards, their local annual emissions reduction target, aiming to reach 70% reduction by 2030. It’s charter is  to provide prioritised actions that residents and businesses can take and partners with the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and community-recommended local suppliers/installers to promote related services that aid electrification and decarbonisation.

Explains Jim, “The fundamental starting point is moving away from fossil fuels (gas or coal-generated grid electricity)to heat or cool our home, and increasing our energy efficiency at home so that we reduce our energy use and bills. The simplest first choice we can all make is to change our electricity supplier from one that generates from fossil fuels to one generates only from renewable sources. Secondly, install solar on your roof, where even if you need to cover the finance costs to do so, households and businesses will still save money on their bills. The choices are simple really.”

And now 12 months on from its inception Repower Mornington Peninsula is developing a number of programs with key partners which will be rolled out in the coming month to help residents and businesses exercise these choices. In late October the team announced its formal partnership with Green Moves - a well-regarded local bayside family business – to provide energy efficiency services to support Mornington Peninsula residents and businesses.

Green Moves are a Certified B-Corp, Certified Carbon Neutral organisation, Victoria Government Scorecard accredited and a Climate Active member. Started in 2009, co-founder Danielle King brings a passion to provide totally independent energy, carbon and sustainability advice and guidance.

Says Jim, “Improving the efficiency of your home or business – whether existing, renovation or new build – is the smartest and most cost-effective action you can take to reduce your energy usage, bills and associated emissions. The greenest and cheapest energy of all is the energy we don’t need to use!

Of the new partnership, Green Move’s Danielle King said, “We’re excited to be able to support local home and business owners on the Peninsula with energy efficiency services that can provide a great return on investment and help improve living and working environments.”

Green Moves is offering Home Scorecard Assessments, (a home rating tool developed by the VIC Government) to help households better understand the energy performance of their homes, the improvements they can easily make and the government funding available to help them.

Today, when energy prices are at all time high and going higher in 2023, homes that have higher energy performance ratings are likely to be more appealing or worth more than those that do not,” says Jim.

Services to small businesses, non-profits, farms and vineyards range from basic energy assessments to fully comprehensive energy audits.

Energy audits are a great way for a business to build an energy use reduction plan, that can lead to significant savings of cost and associated emissions,” adds Danielle King.

For more details on Repower Mornington Peninsula and Green Moves, and recommendations on actions you can take, please visit:

For follow-up queries please contact:

Jim Goddard

Danielle King

Our Journal